
I like books, even though I've been switching to digital format for a while now, there's something about the physical format that I love, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one *wink wink*. There's something magical about turning the pages, going over and over your favorite passages, marveling at the different illustrations and being impregnated with the aroma of the oldest books. That's why some time ago I decided to put together my own library where I can gather various editions of books that I love and the occasional rarity that catches my attention.

My books are almost like my life partners. I share my life with them as well as with my cats. That's why I try to have beautiful books and editions. I know it's vain, but seeing them every day makes my soul happy. Iconodule forever.

In this little corner of the Internet you will find my collection, which will be updated periodically. If you ever want to visit my shelves, here you have the possibility. Each book has the necessary data to be searched, in case you are interested in having the same books. It is a matter for each person.

My dark bookshelf is filled with books on art, fashion, an incredible amount of blood drinkers and like-minded decadent souls.

Which bookshelf would you like to know more about?


Dracula Collection
Gothic Horror, Terror and Supernatural
Classic Literature
Sword and Sorcery, Grimdark and High Fantasy
Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels
Young Adult Literature and Paranormal Romance
Children's literature for Spooky Kids
Poetry and Sonnets

Other subjects:

Fashion Design and History
Lifestyles and Subcultures
Esotericism and Religion
History and Essays
Magazine Rack