As a person within an alternative scene, it is always interesting to see the documentaries and texts that are written about the alternative scene, both those that have an insider perspective and those works that are produced by people "from outside". On this shelf you will find books that focus on the gothic, metal, steampunk and lolita scenes, as well as books that took advantage of the boom of the so-called urban tribes, all from the point of view of the people and their customs. For books that focus on the art and/or artists involved, please see the art shelf.
(OT: Original Title/ Tr: Translation)
Manto Negro. Historia y Anécdotas de la Escena Gótica e Industrial Chilena. |
Vampiros. Cuando la realidad supera la ficción. |
Tribus Urbanas. Manual para comprender las nuevas subculturas juveniles. |
Santiago Snap! Subculturas. |
Ciertos Ruidos. Nuevas Tribus Urbanas Chilenas. |
Stgo. Style(s). |
66 Maneras de Enamorar a un Vampiro y a otros Seres Irresistibles. |