Young Adult Literature and Paranormal Romance
Unlike many people, I don't hate young adult literature. It's true that sometimes the quality is questionable, but I still think they are perfect books to relax a bit. I'm a huge fan of vampires, so when they became popular thanks to Twilight and the invasion of paranormal romances and adventures with bloodsuckers took place, I think my impression was like seeing a giant chocolate cake, it was a delight for the soul. They may not contribute much according to some elitists, but as I said, they make my soul very happy.
This shelf houses all the books aimed at a young audience. There's plenty of paranormal romance, creature-fighting adventures, and the occasional college drama.
(OT: Original Title/ Tr: Translation)
Dead Girl Walking.
Author: Linda Joy Singleton.
Translator: David Luque Cantos.
La Factoria de Ideas (2008).
Spanish Language.
ISBN:978-84-9018-704-3. |
Samsara. Bienvenida Eternidad.
(Tr: Samsara. Welcome Eternity.
Author: Soledad Arriagada.
Ediciones B Chile S.A (2012).
Spanish Language.
ISBN:978-956-9184-00-0. |
Prom Nights From Hell.
Various Authors.
Translator: Alexandre Casal Vázquez.
Alfaguara (2009).
Spanish Language.
ISBN: 978-987-04-1035-5. |
Estoy Harta de ser Buena, pero... ¡Qué cansado ser mala!.
(TO: Goodbye, Amanda the Good).
Author: Susan Shreve.
Translator: Jofre Homedes Beutnagel.
Editorial Random House Mondadori S.L. (2003).
Mass-market Paperback.
Spanish Language.
ISBN: 84-8441-184-2. |
~Monster High Series:
Monster High (Book 1).
Author: Lisi Harrison.
Alfaguara (2011).
Spanish Language.
ISBN: 978-956-239-917-3. |
Monster High. Back and Deader than Ever (Book 4).
Author: Lisi Harrison.
Translator: Mercedes Nuñez.
Alfaguara (2012)
Spanish Language.
ISBN: 978-84-204-0071-6. |
~Emily The Strange Series:
Emily The Strange, Stranger and Stranger.
Authors: Rob Reger and Jessica Gruner.
Translator: Alexandre Casal Vázquez.
Illustrations by Rob Reger and Buzz Parker.
Ediciones SM (2010).
Spanish Language.
ISBN:978-84-675-4109-0. |
~Sabrina The Teenage Witch Series:
Sabrina The Teenage Witch. I´ll zap Manhattan (Book 18).
Author: Mel Odom.
Archway Paperback (1999).
English Language.
ISBN: 0-671-02702-6. |
Sabrina The Teenage Witch. While the Cat's Away (Book 25).
Author: Margot Batrae.
Archway Paperback (1999).
English Language.
ISBN: 0-671-02821-9. |
~Enola Holmes Series:
Enola Holmes. The case of the Left-Handed Lady.
Author: Nancy Springer.
Translator: Ángela Estellar García.
RBA Molino (2018).
Spanish Language.
ISBN: 978-84-272-1462-0. |